My country’s culture, values, ideologies saved me to survive in the lonely planet!

Shweta, how did you overcome from such a difficult situation? Finally! You proved that you are different, we are proud of you, this was the phrases which I got at the end of my one year stay in Europe. The last day of working I felt so satisfied that I did that, my answer was “it was just possible because of my country, culture and values”!

This is one of my travel stories that I was in Europe, specifically in Germany. In the beginning seemed difficult to adjust with the strangers, to the new place, culture, particularly new language! I was assigned for the work where they expect from me to speak German which was very difficult in the beginning, vegetarian by birth is the strange concept to them, in fact when I said I am a vegetarian then they thought that I do not like their food and their culture to have meats always!  As expectation rose and there was no common platform to understand each other and day by day the gap increased and one day “I was given an option that either I can take 2 more months to prove myself , either I should pack my bags and go back to India”.

That day I was sitting and reflecting myself that what went wrong? What should I do? Finally I decided to stay back and take a challenge of two months because as having Indian ideology in that situation “just coming back to India was like a coward”.  Well, What I did and how everything changed after two months? Yes, I made it, I put the effort to learn German and later on I discovered that hence, I know Sanskrit (where we call it as mother of all languages), it was easy for me to learn German very quickly, language was the mean that I could resolve many problems and express everything, day by day I could build the better understanding! I could explain that how we practice vegetarian food by birth and how great it is also.

I worked hard and put lots of effort to gain their trust, for them if the work is bit hard then also they used say like they are in stress, i.e. work stress! But, I was always energetic and had patience to work long, you know what is the reason behind it? This is just because I have a habit of doing Meditation and Yoga every day, Meditation keeps me calm and helps me to overcome from any kind of stress, otherwise it was not possible to survive alone there.

I was working with kids, I could teach them Bollywood dance, I cooked Indian food, They got impressed by our family system, culture, this all because I did not forget my culture, I did not lost myself in another planet, at the same time I respected their culture as well. As all of us know in India we have strong family values and society system as we give much importance to relationships, perhaps I could solve few problems there by applying our ideology of being together, yes each country has different culture and ideologies but for me being an Indian was the main reason to complete my assignment of one year successfully and to prove myself.

Last note:

Thanks a lot to Lufthansa for bringing this idea and made the platform to share our stories. The video reminded me about my experiences, which added memories into to my life. 

For more information about Lufthansa “to fly like an Indian” please visit  the link below:


Flying over!


Centre of the Halle, The Markt-Platz

Oh Halle! I miss you, you are so calm and beautiful, I still remember the first day when I arrived and shocked after seeing only building and parked cars in front of that but I did
not see any people on the street! Hence that was the summer and people were mostly travelling, Halle is one of the cities known for most of the old people live and the architecture is beautiful and it also has the good history.
Stayed in Germany for one year in the year of 2014 August to August 2015, I was in totally different world, for my family and villagers it was proud moment and first time a girl from the village went so far away, Yes, I did it and I have selected as international volunteer and I stayed the city called Halle an der Saale. Halle (Saale) situated in the Saxony Anhalt state of East Germany. The name has originated by salt making, also the river Saale used to salt-harvesting, it just contained around 236,991 populations that tim

The sights to explore:


  • The “big church called “Market Church of St.Mary (Markt
    kirche)”, built in 1529-1554, along with the “Roter Turm (Red Tower, from the top of this tower you can see the whole city view) is located in the central and besides that there is another market place normally the “flee markt” the second hand/antique market takes place, which I loved.
  • In the market place there is a big monument of George Frideric Handel, who is the famous music composer born in Halle.
  • Halle Cathedral: This magnificent cathedral dates all the way back to 1271, the oldest religious building in Halle
  • State Museum of Pre-history,where the Nebra sky disk is exhibited
  • Beatles museum and the Salt museums are also interesting to see
  • Theatres: Halle opera House, Neues Theater, Puppentheather, Thalia Theater, the only theatre for children in Saxony Anhalt
  • Halloren Chocolate Factory and visitors’ centre, Germany’s oldest chocolate factory
  • Geiebichenstein Castle, first mentioned in 961, is north of the city centre on a hill above the Saale river, with a museum in the upper castle and the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in the lower castle.
  • Moritzburg a newer castle, was built between 1484 and 1503. It was the residence of the Archbishops of Magdeburg, was destroyed in the thirty years war, and was a ruin for centuries afterward. Partially reconstructed in 1901-1913, it is an art gallery today. The reconstruction was completed with the opening of new exhibition rooms designed by the Spanish architects Sobejano and Nieto in 2010.
  • Well, Halle is known for the river called Saale and for the nature lover it is very beautiful and funny thing was they host the guest by taking you around the river! Every year the famous festival happens in October or September called Laternfest on the bank of the river, the lighting festival and this is also one of the best time to visit, riverside is the place to relax, picnic, playing and in the winter when the snow falls then children make the snow man,
  • On the another part of the city called “Neustadt” known for many migrants and refugees lives there.

Tips for city seeing

You can get almost all the facilities within the city, one of my favorite places in the city was the central market place (markt-platz in German) where many creative things, street arts takes place and all the big shops like Galleria, One euro shops are centered, the same place effected during the world war-II. There is one street called Leipziger Straß where there are many nice shops around and on that street vehicles are not allowed, also this street connects to the railway station, another interesting thing is I found out the “Bollywood shop” where the Indian based women running the shop and you will get the Indian stationaries and gifts item, whenever I get bored I used go there and talk with the shopkeeper “Aunty” talk in Hindi just to feel something better. Many people identified me as Indian on the street and used to ask lots of questions about Indian culture!

Every day I used to walk to my workplace though I have got a bicycle I like to explore the city by walking, most of the places re walkable distance otherwise the local travels is also very good, very cleaned and systematically maintained streets! On the way to my workplace I see every day many coffee cafes, the oldest University of Germany: Martin Luther University, during the college time I can see many international students as well, also the central post office situated which has the big clock on the top and every day it helps me to track my timings to reach workplace.

There were Indian restaurants called house of India and garden of India on the way, also the beautiful city garden located on the way, time to time the flowers and the pond was maintained. During the weekend whenever I am free then I used to go for just walk and I enjoyed that the most because of the many people roaming around and many street arts and events takes place. During December month the whole city decorated and the Christmas market takes place, which you never miss to see, just amazing in the dark winter.

When you come to the food, oh god! For the vegetarians it is very difficult, I used to buy the stuffs from the Indian and Asian shops and also from the nearby supermarket called “Penny” which is very cheap comparing to other supermarket, Penny is just 3 minutes from the home where I was staying, I miss shopping in Penny. If I will not mention about the apple then it will not be fair, Yes, I ate apples enough for my whole life, you will get many kinds of apple and I used go to the garden outside the city and pluck the apples , I also eat lots of fresh strawberries and many other kinds of berries.


On the bank of Saale river.

Well, people from other side of Germany used to called as “Dunkle Deauthland (Dark Germany) “ to Halle, for me my host family and my guest mother was everything and the house and the separate room given to me was unforgettable, The museum and the Saale river, many churches are good to visit, the authentic food like many kinds of breads are suggested to taste, during the time of Christmas and Latern fest the best time to visit or else summer and autumn seasons are always good.  Still remember all the shops and the smiley greetings of the shopkeepers, my favorite streets, many kinds of fruits specially apple and strawberries, my many friends, mainly my guest mother and the house, Halle, I wish I visit you once again in my life.



This is just a real experience!

The below article has been published in one of the German magazines called “Masala”, here  is the English version of it.

How were your school days? What is the difference between Indian education system and German education system?” etc. etc. questions made me to think about it and remember about my past days! Still it is very difficult to compare between both the countries but I will try to explain it by my own experience.

Ancient Indian education concept is always learning with the nature and at least up to 5 years sometimes 6 year old child lives with the parents and family, in many families now also it is normal. Well, up to 6 years old I was also with my family and home schooled even though my parents are not so scholar but they gave me basic education and in my 4th year I started to read and write. Being a doughtier of a farmer and living in the village made my childhood wonderful. I never went to the kindergarten and it was not necessary also. I never had the “kinder Zimmer”, whole house is ours there is no boundaries.

Playing materials! Different kinds of stones, building houses by woods and mud, leaves, flowers, playing with the animals, my father made a car by using woods, it was amazing. Do not think that we do not have technology! Ofcorce, India also has rural traditional technology, most of the things are healthy and nature friendly. Yearly once when we have the village festivals then we are getting the playing materials as a gift. When I was 6 years old then I started my 1st standard of school. Started to wear school uniform, carrying lunchbox, in the monsoon season having colourful umbrella and playing in the water always, sharing and caring in everything, waiting for the many forest fruits and climbing the trees, catching the bird’s nest, teasing to the monkeys, keeping “wish leaves in the book”, making post cards with dried leaves and batters of flowers, practising Yoga , meditation and always fresh food (without chemicals, without using fridge) prepared by firewood’s by  mother, no internet, no television in every house, connecting with the world by Radio, doing many cultural activities, dramas, learning Indian dances, sports, waiting for marriage season and festivals, waiting for holidays to go all relatives house, no need to fix an appointment to meet anyone, living in joint family teaches many values.

I am the rank student always and I had no tuition, no extra special things, still I got “’Best student” award in my 10th class among 200 students. To get graduated by good college I need to move another city, to get masters in my interest area I need to move another state, my mother always cried when I was going back from spending college holidays with the family, hence the strong family bounding in India. How different it is?? When I see the childhood life and the education here I mean in Germany!  As I am working in the kindergarten here, I never seen before these things, the playing materials like this! Everything is available to the child. On the other hand it seems to me that it is more than the necessary. If you see the University here at one city in one University everything is available, whatever you want to study that you can easily find here, and it is affordable also, Government supports financially also. For example if you want to be doctor in India then you need to spend lots of money but here not. Yes, I am in different world now.

In rural India most of the places up to 7th grade is the completion of primary education and for the secondary education from 8th to 10th we need to find the high school nearby town, I had to walk to reach school and normally in the beginning parents come with us up to school, later we used go with our friends. To get my high school I need to go the city by bus. We had only one bus in the morning and one in the evening.  These all things made us to be a strong and learn more things about life. When we have everything easy and everything accessible then it will not give much difference of learning. Being a doughtier of middle class family is bit difficult to get or continue education well, but one of the value I learnt in school is “where there is a will there way “so I had the dream to do something difference in life and I agree that I struggled a lot to get graduated and to get masters but today I am so happy, it made me more stronger and stronger.

India is developing country, growing competition is one of the challenges to the rural children but the thing is in India the most of the leaders and most of the great achievers are from rural background and economically poor background. For example Mr. Dhirubhai  Amabani  was an Indian business tycoon who founded Reliance Industries (India’s second most valuable company by market value) was also coming from the normal middle class family. One of the former President and scientist of India.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is the son of fishermen, who was selling newspapers in childhood. Like this there are many examples and they are the model persons for us.

“Vidya” means education considered as god in our culture and we worship the books, the value starts from here, teacher is considers like as god, child start to respect the education and the teacher in this way. The values thought in the school helps to lead a life, the stories of more than 5,000 years before are amazing and everything has some scientific reasons and messages, morals. Definitely we also study about the present situations of the world.

The usual education system is like the kindergarten by the Government (not compulsory like western countries or Germany) and in the cities there are paid kinder gardens too but it is not affordable to all. Most of the time it is only for half day. The uniform system in India makes all children looks equal and disciplined. Next the primary education system again it differs from village to city but In India all kinds of school are existing, similar to ancient Indian school systems to modern schools. Then come to high school and 11th – 12th grade are called as Pre University College, next 3 years of Graduation and then master, this is the normal education system and apart from this we can get many other.

One of the values that I learnt in by my education is “do efforts honestly, have a goal and dream, it will come true” and what is your piece is and fate that always you get it, no one can grab your fate”, I am just telling you this because many people thinks the education system in India is not good or the village life and the girl’s education system is critical but there are problems, issues, inequalities existing,  still apart from all those things nothing is impossible.

Thank you!

By, Shweta Hegde, India

Move but turn back..

Freiwilligenbericht von Shweta, Freiwillige bei der Kita St. Ulrich:

Time moves quickly, days runs fast! Finally when we turn back then remains memories. Yes! My one year abroad volunteer ship is going to end soon but I am taking many things with me and leaving many things here.

(Weitergehen aber zurück blicken. Die Zeit vergeht schnell, Tage fliegen dahin! Wenn wir schließlich zu­rückblicken, bleiben die Erinnerungen im Gedächt­nis. Ja! Mein Jahr als Freiwillige im Ausland endet bald, aber ich nehme viele Dinge daraus mit und lasse viele Dinge zurück.)

When I am with the children then I feel I am some ­where else, many times children takes care of me as my best friend, they ask like a parent, they share with me everything. Well, in my culture we believe that children are equal to god, also they do not care about my language in the beginning it was difficult but always there is way to deal the things and now when they came to know that I am leaving soon from Germany then they are very sad! Me too, but that the love I am taking with me.

(Wenn ich bei den Kindern bin, fühle ich mich als wäre ich woanders. Die Kinder achten auf mich, kümmern sich um mich und teilen Alles mit mir. In meiner Kul­tur glauben wir, dass Kinder Gott gleich sind. Sie ha­ben sich auch garnicht an meinen Sprachkenntnissen gestört, am Anfang war es schwierig, aber es gab im­mer eine Lösung. Jetzt begreifen sie langsam, dass ich bald aus Deutschland weggehen werde, was sie sehr traurig macht! Mich auch, aber ich nehme ganz viel Liebe mit.)

I should say that hence I did few projects with my workplace and also outside the workplace , at my workplace one of the project I did that preparing a Carom game, Carom is one of the Indian game which we play as indoor but it really makes fun, children learnt to play it and now everyday we play, I could say Carom board and that game is one of the gift that I made for children, another important thing is teaching Indian dance to the children, well we had a summer fest and in that Indian dance was the highlight point, children were enjoying with dancing and parents are also very happy. Children often say “Shweta tanz macht spass”.

(Während meiner Zeit als Freiwillige habe ich einige Projekte bei der Arbeit, aber auch außerhalb umge­setzt. Auf Arbeit war eines davon ein Carrom Spiel herzustellen. Carrom ist ein indisches Brettspiel, es macht großen Spaß. Die Kinder haben gelernt es zu spielen und nun spielen wir es jeden Tag. Mir war es auch wichtig, den Kindern indische Tänze beizubrin­gen. Als wir Sommerfest hatten, war der indische Tanz der Höhepunkt. Die Kinder liebten es und die Eltern waren auch begeistert. Die Kinder sagen oft: „Shweta Tanz macht Spass“.)

The another most memorable day for me that my birthday, I had a different birthday celebration and gifts from the children. Now full of “Freunde buch”, (Autograph book), lots of things that every day I ex­perience with children and some of the parents invite me for family functions and cooking together specially Indian food makes me happy always.

(Ein anderer erinnungswürdiger Tag für mich war mein Geburtstag. Ich hatte eine eigene Geburtstags­feier und bekam Geschenke von den Kindern. Nun habe ich ein volles „Freunde Buch“, und viele Dinge die mich an die Kinder erinnern. Einige Eltern haben mich auch eingeladen, um an ihrem Familienleben Teil zu haben. Da haben wir auch indisches Essen ge­kocht, ich hatte immer sehr viel Spaß dabei)

There other hurdles too but I always tried to do my level best and I can see and feel that my target group which is given to me in this project is happy with me and it is a sad situation to both of us, but life moves and we have to move so I just cannot forget and I will also miss many things, Thanks a lot.
Es gab auch viele Hürden, aber ich habe immer mein Bestes gegeben. Ich sehe und fühle, dass meine Kindergartengruppe, die ich in diesem Projekt betreut habe, glücklich mit mir ist. Mein Abschied ist eine traurige Angelegenheit für uns alle, aber das Leben geht weiter und auch wir ziehen weiter. Ich werde diese Zeit nicht vergessen und ich werde viele Dinge vermissen, Vielen Dank.
By, Shweta, India
Tschüss, Shweta, Indien
(Picture by 6 years old child and one of my birthday gifts

(Each paragraph has been translated in German as it has been published in German)

“World is meeting at one platform”

capture“ Bundesfreiwillingendiest” (BFD) is the initiation of sending and receiving the volunteers from the worldwide! Really this is the very wonderful idea. Yes, from 10th of November to 14th of November I was in the seminar in Nurnburg. It was amazing and it was so surprising in the introduction of all volunteers at the beginning because we were having the participants from 16 countries of 4 continents Asia, Africa, Europe and Latine America. Before going to seminar I was not aware that we are going to meet these many people from across the world, wow it was great.

I felt really proud about to present about my country and it was a great opportunity to all of us that to present about our own countries and also about experience in Germany. Another important experience was exposure to Nurnburg. I felt that I was really in the time of Hitler. This city is very famous for Nazis and there is a very big building made for the Hitler and his speech. Now that building is exhibitioncentre about past history of Germany. We heard many things about Hitler and World Wars but this is the actual visit to that place.

It was a good learning experience to know about other country and making new friends, hearing many languages at one place. The hospitality of the BFD (bildung centre) was wonderful and one of the head of administrations from BFD Berlin came to visit us. Last day evening party by doing dances of differentcountries was also nice( I have got the opportunity to perform Indian dance too) and seminar ended with doing and present group projects. The photo presentation of the whole week journey and drawing the all countries flag on the wall of the BFD (bildung centre) building also unforgettable.

I am very thankful to my receiving organisation Friedenskreis Halle e.V.

and also BFD for providing this opportunity.

Shweta Hegde from India..

(This article has been published in the news letter an Organisation “Freidenskrise” in Germany)


The adventure begins..

My real journey in Germany starts after waiting for 8 months. Yes! Finally, we reached to Germany On August 5th. Our welcome started from the Berlin airport up to reach Halle. The first week was a nice experience with the seminar. Ofcorce India and Germany are two different worlds! The lifestyle, food, cloth, culture, system, everything. To experience this we need to travel a lot in India also, as I did.

In the first week, we had an arrival seminar, where got trained about the law, rules and regulation of the country, internet governance, advancing privacy, access to information, lifestyle, precaution to take in any situation etc.

In the beginning the most bothered thing is language for me. That I realised when I started to work in my assignment place “Sankt Ulrich Kita”. Yes, I have an experience to work with children in India but, here for me it is totally different, in the beginning with the lots of confusions and after having many discussions with the concerned people and finally my self-motivation made me strong and understand the situations and the concept. But many times I was helpless to express because of the language. Happy to say that I am learning language with the children and I am enjoying.

At my assignment place the first project I did was celebration of Indian festival “Ganesha Pooja”, with playing story with theatre and dance for the Indian song and also with cooking Indian food and children were enjoying the day. I had good learning with this that was not so easy to organise this because everyone were not open for other culture and religion!

My another most lovable experience is “children ride” to the village out of Halle. Were we stayed for one week with the children and just I felt I was in my village because of the nature and forest. I learnt many crafts (creative handmade products) things which I enjoy always. Playing with the children with many Indian rural games remembers me my childhood.

In the kindergarten I am coming to know about the family, traditional and childhood life of the children here. Visiting church with the children and celebrating each child’s as well educator’s birthday and other many things. When autumn season started I got an opportunity to translated German autumn song in to in Indian national language Hindi. The “ElternAbend” , for the first time in my life till I cooked for whole 70 people! finding the things for cooking from the Indian shops and cook for all was funny experience. But everyone liked and parents were so happy.Another interesting event was collecting food items from the all parents and donating that to poor people through “BanrufMission”.

Sometime I feel bad and many questions comes in my mind, one thing is because parents leave very small and younger child in the kindergarden. And another thing is of the “explanation of disability”, it is different here. One thing I have to share with you that two sisters in the kindergarten is from the difficult family situation and because of the financial problem they are not able to come to kindergarten now, according to kita they are disabled children, they need to come to the kindergarten regularly but they are at home  now. My question is in this situation what is the best solution here?

More than 2 months over in Germany, with lots of learning and experiences. I Miss many times India also. Enjoying the days here. Staying in the guest family here is very nice experience for me. I am getting interest to know about more things and also to share my knowledge. I am open to learn from every small things.If you know more thinks you can always contact me, Thanks to all .