“Game of right & wrong”

 Is it wrong to love someone honestly?

Is it wrong to care someone?

Is it wrong to do good things?

Is it wrong to help others?

Is it wrong to think about other’s happiness?

If these things are wrong then I am wrong

If these things are right then why things are happening with me wrong? Means why everything is happening with me wrong?

You see from there..

Someone told me that they do not have  confidence on me that I will take care of ma.. very well so, I decided that I will go according to my life plan and I will fulfill whatever his last wishes, his dreams, I do not need to prove anybody, I hope he can see from there and his soul will understand..

People want show off but I cannot do that, whatever I cannot express anything, but I can say only one thing I love you Pa..I do for my satisfaction I do not need any credit, someone is there who will take care better than me, so, I leave here and I will go very far and I will do…

I miss u always, you are my model, at the end of your life you gained lots of love from the society, you did not gained any money!! I do same, please give me strength to face everything..I hope at least you have confidence on me..

Moving out of life..

They will come in life for few days because of their happiness, they will go from our life because of their happiness then what is ours?

Yes! We are giving happiness to them that is ours, they may think that we are fools and we are kid, we cannot understand anything but it is not like that

Even know everything but we do not want to express, this is our life style, love all and give happiness to others live with satisfaction..

Oh GrandMa………..

Oh GrandMa………..

One day I was coming back to my home from school with my friends, that was the evening… We always play on the road, Suddenly my friend strucked and called us we ran and we saw a tree cut down there. When my eyes looked at the base and I saw 200 concentric rings, do you want to know what was came in my mind? Let me tell, that time I suddenly remembered my grandmother and her lovely voice that ,”my dear granddaughter in this village I like one place the most always and that place gives me my sweet memories of life ,my childhood etc. One day I was coming from our land suddenly I heard one baby was crying and I went near that somebody left their child and went away I shouted, shouted nobody was there then I took that child and came to home I gave milk, food everything as days went nobody came for taking that child . That became my daughter today, so I cannot forget that place I did not have children but god gave me child in that place that is why that is my emotionally attached place”. Then I asked why people left that child then she replied” in earlier days people do not like to have girl child”.!

Tears came from my eyes that place was none other than that same tree when my grandmother got child under that tree and my mother was that child which cut down today. Oh god! With whom I will share my sorrows my joys? Oh man why you cut down that tree? Now my grandma also no more and this tree also left me alone…..By seeing that 200 rings I thought that life is just like a circle before leaving that circle I have to contribute my life and I have to spread my hands like branches of that tree for the society.

Just identify who is loving you really..

She knows that he never felt her but she is feeling him always, she never expressed it, she does not want to lose him so, she does not want to express it

She has no any expectation on him but she used to tell me that after her death he should come to know about this! She does not want to replace anybody else where he is for her!

God knows when he will understand this. I miss you friend, I hope he will understand you and he will feel you soon, because now he is in dark area and he is running behind unavailable shadow…


I hope you will understand…

I am laughing! But it does not mean that I am happy always

I am happy because I met you, I felt you and I cannot forget you

I am happy because you are happy without me

Do not think that I never do what you expected from me, I am waiting for the right time to do it, I promise you that I will not die before doing that, I am not fearing to die, I am fearing to die before without fulfill your dream

I hope you forgive me if I hurt to you, you may have many people who likes you as me but my priority is you, do not think that I will be a trouble to you, I am always with you as shadow, you may not feel but my heart beats feels, it is more than enough

I am not loving you because of your  name and fame, I did not know this when I started to like you, I like you because you accepted me without thinking about my background, I like you because you are so good, you are kind, you are my model..

I pray to god daily that give me strength to live alone and face everything and do whatever you told me and you had a dream on me…

Always missing you Pa.. & Ma..

Alone in the path..

Path is open for all, in which direction you will go that matters!

If you expect from others then it would be a hurdle,

That is true that to get something, lose something,

But, think what to lose?  What to gain?!!

Does not promise anything if you cannot do, try to keep your words

Spend time those who needs you, stop cry for yourself and make smile others without compromising your happiness

Going alone in the path of life, many people come and go, who will live up to end? Your shadow, your good work or bad work, your achievement, your success.

Let others do not understand you that is their wish and perceptive do not cry for that

Do not forget any of the experience and any person who deserved for you, may be for long term or short term

Yes, you are different, think different, and do different

Going alone in the path, turn back and see the past partners who did journey with you, you are alone in the path it means space is open , searching for a life, reaching to the destiny.. go a head..