Dreams remained as dreams only..!

Amma’s stories..

The days spent in the hilly village of Uttarakhand is unforgettable for me..I stayed in a family having two couple, grand ma and grand pa their son, daughter in law and two small kids, as one quotation says “old people are like a library”!  Yes it is true, I used ask their olden days experiences , grand ma used to narrate me stories so, this section is for the stories which I have translated after listening from grand ma..these stories are from her experiences in life. the name amma’s stories came from their own local language, they call grand ma as ‘amma’..

Dreams remained as dreams only..!

I was asking to Amma that how is the status of girl there, she has started explanation with saying one story..

Her ice is blinking and her view was towards the path that will reach to her destination.  With lots of aims and dreams, she was searching for proper time to do it, but she could not share it anybody and she is always silent and innocent girl. She knows only to give happiness to somebody and take sadness from others, she knows only to help other. So she knows that also which is not possible to get everything in her situation as her family is very poor and traditional. She could not oppose her family so she has hidden all her dreams and followed the words what her family said, final marriage because as a daughter of poor family parents do not want to keep more days.. To give happiness to her parents she has agreed and got married. He is the husband does not know how to talk in a soft language, as days going she could not face his torture and also even one minute is very difficult to spent in that house with a cruel people, A girl like angel struggling within the jail of the ghost.. Now she has lost hope to live and she became alive dead body, She is in under the treatment of mentally shocked.

This is not only one girl’s story , this is the life of the girls those who are hiding, killing their dream because of some restriction.  

Oh GrandMa………..

Oh GrandMa………..

One day I was coming back to my home from school with my friends, that was the evening… We always play on the road, Suddenly my friend strucked and called us we ran and we saw a tree cut down there. When my eyes looked at the base and I saw 200 concentric rings, do you want to know what was came in my mind? Let me tell, that time I suddenly remembered my grandmother and her lovely voice that ,”my dear granddaughter in this village I like one place the most always and that place gives me my sweet memories of life ,my childhood etc. One day I was coming from our land suddenly I heard one baby was crying and I went near that somebody left their child and went away I shouted, shouted nobody was there then I took that child and came to home I gave milk, food everything as days went nobody came for taking that child . That became my daughter today, so I cannot forget that place I did not have children but god gave me child in that place that is why that is my emotionally attached place”. Then I asked why people left that child then she replied” in earlier days people do not like to have girl child”.!

Tears came from my eyes that place was none other than that same tree when my grandmother got child under that tree and my mother was that child which cut down today. Oh god! With whom I will share my sorrows my joys? Oh man why you cut down that tree? Now my grandma also no more and this tree also left me alone…..By seeing that 200 rings I thought that life is just like a circle before leaving that circle I have to contribute my life and I have to spread my hands like branches of that tree for the society.

Just identify who is loving you really..

She knows that he never felt her but she is feeling him always, she never expressed it, she does not want to lose him so, she does not want to express it

She has no any expectation on him but she used to tell me that after her death he should come to know about this! She does not want to replace anybody else where he is for her!

God knows when he will understand this. I miss you friend, I hope he will understand you and he will feel you soon, because now he is in dark area and he is running behind unavailable shadow…


I hope you will understand…

I am laughing! But it does not mean that I am happy always

I am happy because I met you, I felt you and I cannot forget you

I am happy because you are happy without me

Do not think that I never do what you expected from me, I am waiting for the right time to do it, I promise you that I will not die before doing that, I am not fearing to die, I am fearing to die before without fulfill your dream

I hope you forgive me if I hurt to you, you may have many people who likes you as me but my priority is you, do not think that I will be a trouble to you, I am always with you as shadow, you may not feel but my heart beats feels, it is more than enough

I am not loving you because of your  name and fame, I did not know this when I started to like you, I like you because you accepted me without thinking about my background, I like you because you are so good, you are kind, you are my model..

I pray to god daily that give me strength to live alone and face everything and do whatever you told me and you had a dream on me…

Always missing you Pa.. & Ma..

A little spark to think towards youths and farming…

In the book ‘Everybody Loves A Good Drought’, P. Sainath says “poverty line provides conceptual rationalization for looking at the poor as a ‘category’ to be taken care of. It does not take into account important aspects of poverty such as ill health, low educational attainments, geographical isolation, ineffective access to law, powerlessness in civil society and caste and gender based disadvantages.”

My dear son, as we are become old and we cannot go to field as previous so now it is the time to handover our work to you, you please take care our 15 acre land and we wish every year you should get good yield”. The reply of the son is  “ father as you know now all my friends are going to city to earn and some of my friends are enjoying their life in city, In this village what can I get? always going to field and farming then I should wait for crop yield and finally I can get yearly income that to not reasonable profits for our crop so I am also thinking of move from here by selling this to nearby Industrialist, you can also come with me after when I will get settled their or otherwise you can live here with labour”. One day I was going to college in that time I heard this conversation of one the families in the village, suddenly I stopped their itself and my mind started to think present scenario of rural youth , farming and migration.

The rural youths are the group which consist the half of the world’s youth’s population and they are the people who are most effected by poverty. Whereas agriculture is the backbone of the India as you know, the agricultural workforce is estimated to be 286 million in 2010; it is decreased to 234 million in 2001. But the percentage of total workforce engaged in agriculture has fallen from 58% in 2001 to 55% in 2010. At the same time, the contribution of agriculture to GDP fell from 23.2% to 17.7%. Despite a bigger workforce in agriculture, the contribution of agriculture in the Indian economic growth is less. But when we see in the rural area in farming activities most of the population is old age people. Where are the youths? They are migrating to the city .But why? They have limited access to the education health and also job opportunities also. In a country with 600 million farmers, in this 40 present are willing to leave farming.  First they went for education, and once completion of education they got good job and city life attracting to them so there is no question of return back to village and continue farming. From the beginning itself farmers facing so many problems, at present labour problem is the one of the major problems. lack of labours, In farming physical work is more and income is yearly and also it is depend upon the nature, so youths wants modern life and good quick income that is why they are settling in city. I agree but just think of future!! Who will produce the food? Up course the modernisation and globalisation are effected on agriculture positively, I agree with that but more than it has affected negatively.

I would like to give one example: Nearby my village, One family with having father mother and son. They are the one of the richest family in that village with 7 acre arecanut plantation land. It gives around 7,00,000 income to them, but now his son is studying MCA in Bangalore he is not ready to do farming and father and mother become old and they cannot do farming as they were doing early so now their half of the yield declining.

In case of small and marginal farmers they are selling their land and they are migrating to urban for seeking another occupation. But now a day nobody is ready to purchase agriculture land. Even if somebody will purchase then they will not use for farming. Government and so many NGO’s are implementing many programs and technologies to promote agriculture and allied activities but in rural area most of the youths are not there in this case a most of the farmers illiterate and now they are not able to do much work and they do not know how to use modern technology if they know then also they cannot work with this efficiently.

I am not saying that turning of youth’s mentality towards modern easy life is totally wrong but at the same time they should take care of their parents occupation and youths can bring change in the system so when they think about their own life in that time they should think about society also why because farmer is the food provider without him rest all are nil, for the balance of the system and sustainability of the agriculture youths take important role and they must realise it. If farmers are not there then what you will eat? You have good job enough money but where is the food? In some extent you can import from other countries but developing countries like India it always possible and what about the poor people? While talking about equality as a development professional, new economic policies, Modernisation and Liberalisation, Globalisation are for implemented to develop a county but if it is not taking care of the poor or marginalised people then how India would become a developed country? Here I am putting set of questions because as we are youth we should think of it.


Alone in the path..

Path is open for all, in which direction you will go that matters!

If you expect from others then it would be a hurdle,

That is true that to get something, lose something,

But, think what to lose?  What to gain?!!

Does not promise anything if you cannot do, try to keep your words

Spend time those who needs you, stop cry for yourself and make smile others without compromising your happiness

Going alone in the path of life, many people come and go, who will live up to end? Your shadow, your good work or bad work, your achievement, your success.

Let others do not understand you that is their wish and perceptive do not cry for that

Do not forget any of the experience and any person who deserved for you, may be for long term or short term

Yes, you are different, think different, and do different

Going alone in the path, turn back and see the past partners who did journey with you, you are alone in the path it means space is open , searching for a life, reaching to the destiny.. go a head..


One of the assignments which I like most..

Because I am a Girl…? !

“Oh why are you so happy? Why are you distributing sweets to all?

Yes, I am so happy because my wife gave birth to a child.

Good news, but this is you second child right? After having first child you did not give any sweets, then why you are giving now?

That is the matter, first was a girl child, now we have got a boy so, we are happier than that!!

“Please do not beat me, this is not my mistake and do not do anything harm to my child, she is innocent, that is god’s decision”. But husband was beating her because she gave a birth to girl child and that was third child he was expecting boy. These are all the very common practices going on around us. Why? If we ask the reason then we will get the only one answer is “because she is the girl”. Like this, before step in to the earth itself a girl is unwanted thing. The ‘Veda, Purana says that “Yatra naryantu pujyate ramante tatra devetaha” means where there is a women there is a existence of goddess and mother is a god, earth is a god. But at the same time the same  Veda, Puranas says if a  family does not has boy or son then that family will not get Mukti or  salvation!

Do not think as this issue is new. It is existing from long back and still continuing. Our great father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi said that “In India when a girl can walk around outside the house alone and if she will come back to home safely then that day is the real Independence day for all”. We know the problem but we are not excepting it and we are not thinking to come out of it. Then where is the problem? What is the problem?

The Girl is the problem. She is burden to her parents, after marriage if she will not give birth to girl child then again she is the problem for family, In olden age she is the burden for son or daughter in law! In the language of commerce girl is an asset or liability? It seems people are treating her as a liability. This is not an assumption, we are experiencing daily. UN figure out that about 7,50,000 girl Children are aborted in India every year. The sex ratio in India is 940 females for every 1000 males. The infant mortality rate is 46.18 comparing to 49.14 per 1000.

 “How sad, many girls missing from our country are found buried in some graveyard.. Yes this is because she is a girl. Where the son is growing in a family with lots of love and care, another side girl thrown in the dust bin! Is it justice? Is it equality? Is it development? No. But it is true that parents are preferring sex relative abortion, here if a mother does not wants to do that then also because of family pressure she should agree with that.

“I am interested in study, I am a rank student also but, my parents did my marriage when I was in 16 years old, because they did not offer dowry from my parents so my parents agreed to do my marriage only because I am a girl and they cannot keep me and I am a liability to them. You know why that family did not ask dowry? because this is second marriage for him and he has two children already , for them they need one care taker , so here I am just like a one character where I cannot express my feelings, my needs only I have to work as a labour in that family.” This one of the story of women that I met in during my first fieldwork.

This is not the new issue, but I want to say is women or a girl has not that much freedom to live according to her choice and wish. She should live always with some rigid restrictions. In case of girl from poor family her life is decided by somebody else, having male child is the kind of status or security for future and having girl is just like a feeding of neibhour’e plants because anyway she has to go her husband’s house.

The technology is curse for the girl as since 1970s the technology came for testing and sex-selective abortion by using biopsy, ultrasound, scan test etc. In rural area it has not reached much but they will kill the baby after birth. An educated person also doing the same thing means here where is the awareness. Parents will think about future, whether son will take care of them or not but they want to have son. But we can see the girls are also taking care of their parents. Female feticide and infanticide is not the only issues with a girl, she has a problem in each stage of the life. In childhood while her brother is having good clothes, shoes and books in his hand but in girl’s hand broomstick, wiper, after that brother is going to school, she has to ready for getting marriage. Again she should ready for facing harassment from husband and family in case if she will not give birth to the girl. This is the situation in most of the families. Whereas in India the sex ration is high only in Kerala, rest all places girls are negligible things.

“Women are victims of a dominant family    ideology   based on preference for male children” this statement is quite impressed me ant it is taken by the article “The Girl child in India” written by Malavika Karleka really the violence against girl child begins even before they are born, foeticide being a case in point. The gender discrimination is quite common.  Women are considering as a second citizen in India. This problem is not only in India, almost all developing and under developed countries has this problem. For example in Pakistan and Afghanistan women cannot walk out outside the house without any men or husband, she should cover herself always with cloth she should not show her face to other. So caste by caste also the restriction varies but the girl is suffering ultimately.

In India culture matters, till here many policies came then also the preference to the son exists, it means it is an attitude of the people. The social status of the girl is low so it will result to low economic status also. She should take care of household work, even she has very good talents, creativities in some case good qualification also but after marriage family restrict to go outside and to do work.

In India the feudal system is very common, means the property of the family goes to son after father. The girls who all are abandoning by the house they will become street children or they will become sex workers sometimes they will go for crime. So childhood is the time like a wet mud, It depends on how we are giving the shape to it. The gender ide in South Asia takes in many forms, If parents could not do the sex-selective abortion and they have girl child then the girl become a labour for the family and because of negligence she may become malnutricious and trafficking, dowry deaths, domestic violence, child labour etc. are expected things for a girl. If we take the country the largest population in the world, China there also we can see the same problem with a girl like India. But the only one difference is there now Government family planning policy matters in India the culture matters the most. Per 100 girls born 164 boys in China. In the year of 1978 they adopted the Policy of “ One child per family” , first of all they would like to have a boy so there is an option of to have only one child per family then the policy force then to go for gender test of the child in the time of the pregnancy, so here the Government policy itself negatively effecting to the girl, because to have a girl child is not mandatory and also there is only one option , culture also matters to give first preference to son, any way girl is neglecting. Comparing to the situation of China and India, the China is quite flexible to prevent it but in India it is difficult than China.

It is true that girl is facing problem in every stage of her life, Then who is the responsible? Parents? Society? Policies? Or culture? No, here there is no only one factor is reason. Society as whole is responsible, today 200 million girls are missing in the world means the problem is remaining same. The development of the Country also not possible with only men the contribution of the women also equally important.

One study made in 2005 estimated that around 90 million females were missing in Bangladesh, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, South Korea and Taiwan and India, the sex-selective abortion is taking major part. India’s census of 2011 says that there is a serious decline in the number of girls under the age of seven.

“Her marriage is not fixing, parents are trying to do her marriage and they are thinking if daughter will cross the age of marriage then they have to give more and more dowry that they cannot offer. But do you know why boys are rejecting her? Because she was working in a call centre to meet her parents financial needs!” this shows pretty silly thing but people commonly has a bad impression on girls those who are working in a call centre, just think to a girl every step there is a challenge. You cannot go far away from home and you should not go for any night duty jobs, you should take care of your siblings, yes I cannot go alone for to have a higher education which is available far away from my home, I have interested to do dance but society has not allow me to go for different programs, I wanted to join army but my parents do not allow me, They do not ask me about my choice for marriage, My husband will not ask anything to me while taking any decision in home, my husband’s parents hates me because I have three girl child, I cannot stay alone in any strange place, I cannot do any holy kind of things up to getting marriage etc. etc. I cannot, I should not or you cannot, you should not.. Because I am a girl, yes because you are a girl!!  These are all common echoes we can hear daily. But when it will take end? Atleast we should start from our home to provide equal opportunity to girl except killing the baby child.

Can we hear these kinds of statements from boys?  No.. we cannot. Because they are boys. So, let us be a good mother , good father, good husband, let us create a better society equal status for a girl , let us try to bring a situation where Mother Theresa, Kiran bedi, Indira Gandhi , Kalpana Chawla kept their name in a world history and we should proudly say that because they are also girl. More than this everyone should understand girl is also a human being, she is also has heart, feelings, choice, freedom, talent, goal, potential , but we are talking about equality, development without considering these things then we are not eligible to do that.

(Reference: Adam Jones. (2010, February). Genderside watch. Retrieved from     http://www.gendercide.org/gwmain.html


In the Garden..

She is Baby teddy, that is the time of story telling but that day her Grand Mother went to somewhere so, she was sitting in front of her house’s garden and she was feeling alone, at the same time he came and when she saw him she suddenly remembered her brother who is not living with her now, she has a small world but now she is always missing his company and she forgot to laugh she has forgot to talk more because of his absence. That stranger looked at her and smiled and went , the next day in the same place again she saw him and she wanted to talk with him but her nature is being silent she never share her all feelings to anybody , her eyes says her feelings she is sensitive baby so she could not express anything to him .

“I do not have any sister can you please tie Raksha to me? “    Oh that day he himself asked to her, just the festival Raksha  Bandhan is coming in next two days!!… Now there is no measurement to her happiness once she blinked and she could not say anything. The day came she has tied Raksha after that he is her real brother, once she likes someone then she never leave them. Like these days are going on, she came to know about him, he become her model, she is trying to follow him. Daly they were meeting and they did not talk much but their eyes talks much.

That day she came near to common place where they both used to meet but that day he did not come, again next day she came that day also he did not come , weeks over a month over he did not come , again she is alone she is waiting for him, one day she saw him in a railway station but he was catching the train that time she was shouting like  “Please bhaiya do not go , do not go I miss u bhaiya“ baby teddy was shouting and shouting the mother teddy asked what happed my dear child ? Suddenly baby teddy woke up and saw that her mother is holding her and baby teddy prayed to god that “Oh god!!  this dream should not be in real, I do not want to miss my bhaiya”…

Time for you…..

You are the person who first touched me..

You are the person who first kissed me..

You are the person who first feed me..

You are the person who first nurtured me..

You are the person who first loved me..

You are the person who first scolded me..

You are the person who first taught to talk..

You are the person who first taught smile and cry..

You are the person who first taught forgive others..

You are the person who first showed me the path of life,morals..

You are the person who first directed right and wrong..

You are the person who sacrificed  your happiness because of me..

You are the person who taught to help others, care others, respect others, love others..

You are the model to me, you are god to me, you are great to me..

Now the time is mine to give all happiness to you, Now the time for me to fulfil your wish..

I am missing you “Maa”…..I love you “Maa”…