The adventure begins..

My real journey in Germany starts after waiting for 8 months. Yes! Finally, we reached to Germany On August 5th. Our welcome started from the Berlin airport up to reach Halle. The first week was a nice experience with the seminar. Ofcorce India and Germany are two different worlds! The lifestyle, food, cloth, culture, system, everything. To experience this we need to travel a lot in India also, as I did.

In the first week, we had an arrival seminar, where got trained about the law, rules and regulation of the country, internet governance, advancing privacy, access to information, lifestyle, precaution to take in any situation etc.

In the beginning the most bothered thing is language for me. That I realised when I started to work in my assignment place “Sankt Ulrich Kita”. Yes, I have an experience to work with children in India but, here for me it is totally different, in the beginning with the lots of confusions and after having many discussions with the concerned people and finally my self-motivation made me strong and understand the situations and the concept. But many times I was helpless to express because of the language. Happy to say that I am learning language with the children and I am enjoying.

At my assignment place the first project I did was celebration of Indian festival “Ganesha Pooja”, with playing story with theatre and dance for the Indian song and also with cooking Indian food and children were enjoying the day. I had good learning with this that was not so easy to organise this because everyone were not open for other culture and religion!

My another most lovable experience is “children ride” to the village out of Halle. Were we stayed for one week with the children and just I felt I was in my village because of the nature and forest. I learnt many crafts (creative handmade products) things which I enjoy always. Playing with the children with many Indian rural games remembers me my childhood.

In the kindergarten I am coming to know about the family, traditional and childhood life of the children here. Visiting church with the children and celebrating each child’s as well educator’s birthday and other many things. When autumn season started I got an opportunity to translated German autumn song in to in Indian national language Hindi. The “ElternAbend” , for the first time in my life till I cooked for whole 70 people! finding the things for cooking from the Indian shops and cook for all was funny experience. But everyone liked and parents were so happy.Another interesting event was collecting food items from the all parents and donating that to poor people through “BanrufMission”.

Sometime I feel bad and many questions comes in my mind, one thing is because parents leave very small and younger child in the kindergarden. And another thing is of the “explanation of disability”, it is different here. One thing I have to share with you that two sisters in the kindergarten is from the difficult family situation and because of the financial problem they are not able to come to kindergarten now, according to kita they are disabled children, they need to come to the kindergarten regularly but they are at home  now. My question is in this situation what is the best solution here?

More than 2 months over in Germany, with lots of learning and experiences. I Miss many times India also. Enjoying the days here. Staying in the guest family here is very nice experience for me. I am getting interest to know about more things and also to share my knowledge. I am open to learn from every small things.If you know more thinks you can always contact me, Thanks to all .




“Game of right & wrong”

 Is it wrong to love someone honestly?

Is it wrong to care someone?

Is it wrong to do good things?

Is it wrong to help others?

Is it wrong to think about other’s happiness?

If these things are wrong then I am wrong

If these things are right then why things are happening with me wrong? Means why everything is happening with me wrong?

Living with dream.

That day as usual I was asking to Amma about her friends, she started to tell her one of friends’s story who is only one girl well educated among all her friends in that time……

She was sitting at the office, as usual she was busy at her work, suddenly she has got call by saying that her father has passed away!!? She sat silently for sometimes and she was not able to cry, not able to express anything, for a sometime she felt that she lost everything! because she has got that father when she was feeling no one is there to her, after many years she felt what is real father’s love, again god took back that gift. !!

“She was very happy that day, he came in her life, he was caring her, but she never expected from him anything, in between many times he tried to avoid her but may be her unconditional love did not leave him, he again came back, both of them were in the new world, she knew that she never get him, practically it is not possible, just she loves him, she never expressed even she does not know that what he feels about her, she is like a earth, just she cares him, loves him silently and patiently. But that day he came and expressed his love in front of her..she was seeing her father’s love in him, she was thinking that god sent him instead of her father, she was so happy, so happy, she was dancing, she was shouting with lots of happiness”, that time someone called her!! She suddenly woke up and she realised that she was in dream..

Actually fact is when he listen the news that her father has died he left to talk with her, totally avoided her, after many days again he called and he said that in her bad time he was purposefully avoided her because he wish that she should hate him! , as usual she never expressed anything, fine day she came to know that he likes somebody else and he is happy without her so, she left because she thinks his happiness is her love..

She is right, she knows that in her life the happiness comes only in dream..she lives with dreams..she decided go far away from all of this…

You see from there..

Someone told me that they do not have  confidence on me that I will take care of ma.. very well so, I decided that I will go according to my life plan and I will fulfill whatever his last wishes, his dreams, I do not need to prove anybody, I hope he can see from there and his soul will understand..

People want show off but I cannot do that, whatever I cannot express anything, but I can say only one thing I love you Pa..I do for my satisfaction I do not need any credit, someone is there who will take care better than me, so, I leave here and I will go very far and I will do…

I miss u always, you are my model, at the end of your life you gained lots of love from the society, you did not gained any money!! I do same, please give me strength to face everything..I hope at least you have confidence on me..

Just feel!!

Something we cannot say, only we can feel

Something we cannot feel, we can say

But when we wanted to say that time they are not available to listen

When we want to feel they are available to listen

This is just a game of feelings, in this ground we lose them who deserve

Words by heart..

She is very innocent, she talks by heart, she cares with love and she helps with concern

That is her greatness some times weakness for others to hurt her, no one understands her wish, desires

Even though others avoiding her, neglecting her she never changes her stand, her behavior

She knows that people are like this, life is like this, ultimately her soul only with her through whole life

Moving out of life..

They will come in life for few days because of their happiness, they will go from our life because of their happiness then what is ours?

Yes! We are giving happiness to them that is ours, they may think that we are fools and we are kid, we cannot understand anything but it is not like that

Even know everything but we do not want to express, this is our life style, love all and give happiness to others live with satisfaction..

The living God..

The living God..

That day Amma came back from her mother’s house she was very upset! I asked the reason then she has started to say story..

There was a King and he has five daughters, there was the time to get marriage, King offered to daughters that they can suggest husband but he should be the King or rich and he should have a good status, then first and second daughters suggested nearby places Kings and they have got married. Next year the another girl came to the same position, but she was very intelligent girl and she likes the person who is very intelligent not very rich, this proposal was disagreed by the father,

Finally she got married.. One day there was the festival, in that time King called everybody except that daughter who has got married poor men but the mother could not control she went and she has called that daughter, that daughter came , all are looking her in a strange view then mother told, ‘for all of you money, status ,richness are important but for me my daughter is important so I have called her and she will go after a few minutes’.. the daughter’s eyes became full of tears ..

Amma was telling this story but her eyes also filled with tears, because that day she went to her mother’s house but she has no mother , she is now around 50 years old but mother is mother, ” the living god”, she is the one who that treats her children as her life without thinking anything else, that is the greatness of mother..Amma was laying down on my lap by saying like above, I also remembered my mother..