Natural farming, organic foods…


Life makes such a transformation! I am being a daughter of farmer now staying in the city for better education and job, I always miss the nature and the natural food of my native. My native is situated in the corner of western ghats, in North Kenara district, where you can see the green everywhere. People are doing mostly farming there. Bittlenut is the main commercial crop and we also grow rice, bananas, coconuts, Mangos etc, which is suitable to heavy monsoon.

We grow almost all vegetables and many fruits. One special thins is we never use the pesticides and  preservatives for anything, everything is so natural.

We do have cows & buffalo’s for milk products. We drink water from the well, which is also natural. But in the city most of the food items which we rare using are with preservatives & chemicals, I am worried about that if we will not preserve our natural farming and encourage farmers then it is like we are calling to life hazardous.