Alone in the path..

Path is open for all, in which direction you will go that matters!

If you expect from others then it would be a hurdle,

That is true that to get something, lose something,

But, think what to lose?  What to gain?!!

Does not promise anything if you cannot do, try to keep your words

Spend time those who needs you, stop cry for yourself and make smile others without compromising your happiness

Going alone in the path of life, many people come and go, who will live up to end? Your shadow, your good work or bad work, your achievement, your success.

Let others do not understand you that is their wish and perceptive do not cry for that

Do not forget any of the experience and any person who deserved for you, may be for long term or short term

Yes, you are different, think different, and do different

Going alone in the path, turn back and see the past partners who did journey with you, you are alone in the path it means space is open , searching for a life, reaching to the destiny.. go a head..